Focus & Fluency

Kickstart Your Language Learning With Smarter Study Techniques
and a Stress-Free Approach to Productivity

A special course for language learners who are feeling like they

‍always want to do more have a self-critical tendency in language learning don't know which of the great resources to start withget easily distracted by work or social media  keep missing their targets

In Focus & Fluency, you will learn that the key to achieving more is not to do more!

This course is divided into two sections:
The Focus Section
I will dig deep into the truth about study hours, realistic study routines, and what to do when you get hit by that feeling that everyone can do this thing except you.

This section sets the scene, clears your mind, and helps you figure out what your own language goals can look like.
The Fluency Section
You’ll learn how to concentrate better when you sit down to study any language, and how to build regular study into your life without overloading your time and resources.

You will learn an easy routine and discover incredibly useful apps that can transform you from a lost language llama to a focused fluency fox.

I created Focus & Fluency because I want you to discover how your study routine can become the best it can be…without adding hours of stress.
I kid you not, Kerstin’s online productivity course Focus & Fluency was written with me in mind (I suffer from having too much language learning stuff).

Talk about back-to-back “ah hah’s!” All through the course I laughed, grinned, and nodded in agreement.

Catherine Wentworth
A Woman Learning Thai and Founder of

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Add The Vocab Cookbook for just $7

This collection of "recipes" helps you learn and remember more vocab

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  • Total payment
  • 1xFocus & Fluency$47

All prices in USD

When you join this course, you'll also get an exclusive invitation to the Fluent Language Forum, an active community for student support and language chat.



Is Focus & Fluency going to make me more productive?
This course focuses on the thoughts and mindsets that often get us into situations of overwhelm. Whether you are stuck with the fear of never speaking your target language, or you are feeling the weight of too many resources, in Focus & Fluency you will learn a way to find more headspace to learn languages. You will learn a simple framework for staying on top of your routine, followed by practical advice that can boost your productivity instantly. So if applied right, the lessons from Focus & Fluency can help you become more productive, learn languages systematically, and progress to fluency with confidence.
How long do I have access to the course?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own. You will watch the videos, ponder the course questions, and interact with your fellow students from anywhere.
I have 20 unread language books, what should I do?
Well, one thing you could do is to start cutting out sleeping and eating so you have a little more time to study languages. But there is also another way! In Focus & Fluency, I will share my method of managing your resources and focusing on short-term goals that lead up to big results - without feeling like you're missing out. Give it a try, and see if this method can help you the way it's helped many other "language hoarders"
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you can contact me for a simple, no-judgement refund of your purchase within the first 30 days. I encourage you to tell me what you think is missing, and to share your thoughts even when you first find that something is missing. I am dedicated to serving you and fixing any errors or concerns you might have.